About Us

About Modern Woman

Modern Woman exists to empower, influence, and support women in business and the workplace.

What is Modern Woman?

Introducing Modern Woman, the ultimate platform for empowerment. Founded by Rosie Coxshaw, it represents a cross-section of powerful mid-senior women from diverse industries, united by a shared vision of success. Our mission? To support, inform, and inspire women in business and the workplace to ensure no woman ever feels alone.

At Modern Woman, we believe knowledge is power. That's why we offer a wide array of resources designed to propel your career forward. Through our engaging in person and virtual meetups, podcasts, masterclasses and live events you'll gain invaluable insights from trailblazers and industry experts. 

We understand every woman's career journey is unique. We wholeheartedly understand the challenges we face in the workplace, spinning lots of plates and still turning up to be our best selves.

We are also committed to the power of connections. Connecting you with accomplished mentors who will guide you every step of the way. Tap into their wisdom, experience success stories, and unleash your full potential.

Be Fearless, empowerment starts here. Join Modern Woman today and be part of our thriving community of strong, ambitious, and successful women. Together, we will shatter glass ceilings and defy expectations.

Our story

A note from the founder, Rosie Coxshaw

“Welcome to Modern Woman. Whether you’re an established entrepreneur, a mid-career employee, or a business owner looking to level up, we’re here to educate, motivate, and support you.

I started my first business aged 16, armed with just my GCSEs. After running an array of companies – some successful ventures, and others that failed along the way – I saw a real lack of platforms to support a woman like me, navigating the world of work by herself.

In my early career, I had no resources to guide me. Everything was trial and error. While that journey was (and continues to be) incredibly exciting, downright challenging and a lot of hard work, I know that if I had better tools and advice available to me, I would have saved on mistakes and money, and excelled much quicker.

This is what inspired me to launch Modern Woman in 2018. It’s my passion to help women throughout their career, through our community of like-minded individuals representing diverse industries and backgrounds.

I hope we can help you achieve your career goals, by inspiring confidence and providing the toolkits you need. We’re on this journey together.

With love,

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