The Modern Woman Inspiration Award

The Modern Woman Inspiration Award

Modern Woman is proud to be working in collaboration with the Inspiration Women’s Awards. A fantastic evening celebrating women from all backgrounds and acknowledging women that are great role models for our next generation.

We are excited an honoured that We will be presenting our own special Modern Woman Award.

What makes this so special is that we get to truly reflect the Modern Woman in our award.  The person we are looking for needs to encapsulate all that we at Modern Woman stand for.

And what is that, you may ask?

Someone who is a senior to mid level career women, either working in an organisation or someone who has just started on their own or run their own growing company.  The ethos of Modern Woman is to being together people from all backgrounds,  be generous with our time and experience and most importantly to have fun.

If you know someone who you would love to see recognised then please nominate.  Nominations are open to members and non members.

Modern Woman Nominations close on the 31st January so hurry and make sure that your Amazing Modern Woman gets the recognition she needs.

The Awards will be presented at the Inspiration awards on the 22nd March 2024.  Tickets can be purchased here.


Good luck to all our nominees.




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I understand that by nominating this person for the Modern Woman award, the team at Modern Woman will have the final decision on who goes forward as one of the top 5 nominees.

I understand that tickets will need to be purchased to attend the awards night itself.

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